Facility Management

When you have a large office building with many floors, you need to have a good crew to maintain each floor. Maintaining a building does not just mean keeping it clean. A commercial building would also need to have someone to come in regularly to check things like the electrical wiring, the pipes and plumbing, the air conditioning system and lots more. Even when it comes to cleaning, it will take more than just one person to clean each floor and every office room. So in other words, if you own a large building, then you could use some extra help in maintaining it properly.

At JonesE, we have a team of qualified maintenance personnel like handymen, plumbers and cleaners who specialize in maintaining offices and commercial buildings of various sizes. You can trust our team to do frequent checks of all the vital systems of your commercial building so as to ensure that everything is functioning properly. What’s more, our employees give high importance to cleanliness and will always keep the hallways, lobby, corridors and entrances to your building absolutely litter-free.

If you wish to know more about the various facility management services that we offer, then you can go ahead and contact us for any information that you may need. We have mentioned all the main facility and commercial building management services in the list shown below;



Barter your spare capacity, unsold time, idle inventory, empty space to get the things you need.

Offering the best carpet and upholstery cleaning you could wish for.